Pain Hurts But STRESS KILLS!

The Brain Repair Store will not only turn pain patients into brain patients but it will also attract patients that want so much more than just neck and low back pain relief. How often have you come across a person you have just met and when you tell them that you are a chiropractor they reply with …” oh good to know I am glad I don’t need you’ or “ oh I love chiropractors they help me so much with my low back/neck pain”. Why is that their response? Because they think that is all you do. It is time to differentiate yourself.

Stress Tests

Stress tests are medical tests that are performed to measure the ability of the heart to function under stress or exercise by measuring your physiological stress/stimulus response. Designed to evaluate the heart’s response to physical activity and to identify any underlying cardiovascular problems.

The Brain Repair Store utilizes Neurological Assessments to effectively and accurately measure your physiological stress response. It is a 12 minute non-invasive computerized test. Sensors are attached to your skin in such areas as your shoulder muscles, the top of your head, your waist and your hands. There are no needles or any form of skin penetration. From this computerized test, we can compare your neurological response and recovery to three types of stress challenges.

During a stress test, a patient will typically exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike while their heart rate, blood pressure, and electrocardiogram (ECG) are monitored. The test is usually done in a doctor’s office or in a hospital setting.

Stress tests are commonly used to diagnose heart conditions, such as arrhythmias, and assess the effectiveness of treatments for heart disease.

What does the Stress Test tell us?

This simple test gives us a detailed picture of how your nervous system is functioning. It looks at 7 different nervous system activities and what happens to them during stress:

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This portion of the exam concerns the ability of the brain to be busy when necessary and to rest when necessary. Stress events like the math test , noises and breathing exercise require brain activity (increased Beta) and when relaxed, increased Alpha/Theta.

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Heart rate variability is an effective method of measuring stress effects in your patient’s life. Research has established that HRV is also a good method of measuring the effectiveness of Chiropractic care.

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We have long been aware of the importance of heart rate in maintaining good health responses; however, just taking a person’s pulse isn’t enough information to tell us what happens during stress situations. The stress test gives us a chance to see what speeds up the heart rate, and how quickly it can return to normal. There is a direct relationship between breathing and heart rates.

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The amount of moisture produced by the sweat glands in the hands is a direct result of stress. More hand moisture means a higher stress response. We can measure your ability to reduce the effects of your stressors. This means improved neurological responses.

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The normal response to stress is for the body to withdraw blood volume from the extremities and pool it in the organs. This action reduces the temperature in the hands and feet.

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While we are aware of changes in respiration rate during exertion, we seldom use it as a measurement of health. As there is a relationship between stress and oxygen requirement, the respiratory rate is very important. The pattern of breathing is equally as important such as chest elevation versus diaphragmatic breathing.

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We can measure muscle activity throughout the body in both relaxed resting mode or in active motion mode. The trapezius and the muscles of the face are good indicators of over-tightened muscles due to stress responses.


Heart Strength & Heart Health Strength

Heart strength refers to the physical strength and endurance of the heart muscle itself. Strong hearts are able to pump blood efficiently and effectively throughout the body helping deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and organs.
Heart health strength refers to the overall health and function of the cardiovascular system. This includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood. Determined by factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and overall cardiovascular fitness. Heart health strength is influenced by a variety of lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, smoking status, and stress management.

Nutritional Brain Assessments

The Brain Repair Store offers Nutritional Brain Assessments to measure the nutritional and functional health of your brain and body. Believe it or not, the brain does require a certain amount of fat to properly function. In particular, the brain is made up of about 60% fat, much of which is composed of phospholipids. Phospholipids are important components of the cell membranes that make up the structure of the brain’s neurons.

Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, are also important for brain health. While too much fat can be harmful to brain health, the brain does require a certain amount of fat to function properly.

Improving Brain Function Improves Body Function

Improving brain function can have a positive impact on the overall functioning of the body. Including improving decision-making, cognitive function, mood, sleep, and stress management.

Better decision-making: A brain that is functioning well can make better decisions, including those related to health and well-being. For example, someone with good brain function may be more likely to make healthy food choices, exercise regularly, and avoid harmful behaviors.

Improved Cognitive Function: Good brain function is associated with better cognitive function, improving the ability to learn, remember, and process information. This can also have a positive effect on overall productivity and performance, which can translate to better physical health.

Better mood: Good brain function can help regulate mood and emotions, reducing the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. This can have a positive impact on physical health as people with good mental health are often more likely to engage in healthy behaviors.

Improved Sleep: The brain plays a key role in regulating sleep, and good brain function can lead to better sleep quality and duration. Overall improving health and well-being.

Better Stress Management: A healthy brain can help regulate the body’s stress response, reducing the negative impact of chronic stress on physical health.
When a brain is functioning at its highest potential it can have amazing positive effects on the healing process as well. A healthy brain reduces stress and better regulates the body’s stress response, leading to less stress and faster healing. The brain and the immune system are closely connected, so good brain function can help boost immune function. This can lead to faster healing and a reduced risk of infection. Good brain function can help regulate pain perception as well, making it easier for individuals to manage pain during the healing process. This can lead to better compliance with treatment plans and a faster recovery.

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